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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Missing Lovey

We decided to let Savannah stay up a little later tonight because she wasn't fussy and seemed to be enjoying the Clemson basketball game with her daddy. However, by 8:20 I decided that she had to go to bed. I took her upstairs and brushed her teeth, put on the teething gel, and started reading her newest favorite Sesame Street book. As we were nearing the end of the book, I yelled down for Dave to bring up her bib - the bib that is the calm in the midst of a storm, the bib that she has never slept without, the bib that we would go back in for if our house was burning down. After a few minutes he came up with a worried look and said he couldn't find the bib. Long story short, we lost it. Somewhere between Harris Teeter and Wal-Mart at the Arboretum we had lost Savannah's lovey bib!!! So, after digging the only other one out of the dirty laundry (I can't even describe the smell it had), I headed out to the Arboretum with my flashlight in hand to search for the bib.

I prayed the entire way there that God would help me find the bib and tried to have faith that it would turn up. So, I got to the Arboretum, searched up and down the parking lot in my car and didn't see a thing. I tried to remember where we had parked, the last time we had seen the bib, etc. but it just wasn't helping. By this point I was almost in tears and decided to call my precious friend Beth who I used to teach with. She would sometimes lose her keys at school and would always come to my room so we could pray that she would find her keys, and they always turned up!! After getting her on the phone I quickly explained the situation and she having a grandson only a month older than Savannah knew how urgent this was. She began to pray with me on the phone and as soon as she started her third sentence, I found the bib!!! I was crying so hard that I told her I'd call her later this week to catch up.

Thank you Lord for being faithful in even the smallest details of our life. Lord, I thank you for Beth and I thank You for an answered prayer tonight.


Donna said...

Bless your heart! You are a good mom, Chrystal. I know how it is to have a special "lovey" for your child. Caroline won't go to sleep or drive in the car without pink and green blankies. I'm so glad you found it and I bet Savannah was, too!

Heather said...

What an awesome story! Thank you for sharing. It is amazing to grasp that God cares about the smallest details of our lives if we will only let Him. I can just picture you out in the parking lot with your flashlight. We had to do that once as well.

Elizabeth said...

That is the funniest and sweetest story I have ever heard. Chrystal, what a mom you are!!! And thank the Lord for Beth and for good friends in a crunch. I think God does things like this so that we will stop and remember how faithful HE is, and how He cares so much about everything... as big as HE is, HE cares about even lovey bibs...