Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Visitors . . . Welcome and Unwelcome

We wrapped up our Thanksgiving holiday with a visit from Jamen yesterday. It was so much fun spending time with him, his parents, and Holly too!! We went out to lunch with him and his parents, watched the disappointing Panthers game, and then decorated our house for Christmas. I couldn't believe that 3 people managed to get all of the decorations out of the attic, decorate, put the boxes back, clean up the tree mess, and manage a toddler all in 1 1/2 hours!! It was thrilling to see how quickly our house was transformed for the next holiday. I have to say that this is the earliest I've ever had it done too. Yippee!! We wrapped up the night with dinner here and some time to catch up with Holly as well.

Then came our unwelcome visitor . . . PINK EYE! Yes, that's right, Savannah officially has pink eye. After rushing Jamen to the airport this morning, we headed straight for the doctor and she confirmed that it was pink eye, but also said that the drops that were called in over the weekend were already helping her eyes. It was a very long night with me worrying over Savannah's
high fever, cough, and eyes, but we're going to make it. She's napping now and how welcome the silence is . . . maybe I'll just sit in front of the tree and savor the moments . . . yeah, probably not, way too much to do around here.
Here are a couple of pictures of Savannah enjoying the jingle bells and relaxing with Jamen.


Anna Morrison said...

Happy Holidays Chrystal! Love you.

Nice to see a photo of Jamen, thanks.

Donna said...

ewwww. Sorry about the pink eye! Two of my neices and my nephew had it the day before Thanksgiving and I was hesitant to have our kids and us around them, but once they get on the medicine I guess it's not contagious? That's what they said anyway!!

I'm glad your house is all decorated. Maybe Laura will bring the nice snowman back to you for your yard?!

Anonymous said...

Well the kid is definitely cute...but dang I look good!!! haha! I had so much fun. Can't wait to see you guys again.