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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving in Burlington

Today we had another Thanksgiving celebration, this time with my family in Burlington. It was quite an adventure as Savannah didn't do very well in the car again and traffic was terrible coming home. To top it off she now has some sort of eye funk and after talking to the doctor tonight they called her in some prescription eye drops. Although it was very difficult travelling with a teething, tired, hungry, and ill toddler, I do have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the time we had with my family. We definitely don't get to see them often enough so it was a treat being able to relax and enjoy each of them.

The highlight of the day was watching Grandmaw play hide and go seek with all of her great grandchildren. It truly brought back memories for me as that was my favorite thing to do with Grandmaw and Pawpaw back in the day. I wish I had a picture to show you how much fun they all had, but you'll just have to imagine them hiding, seeking, finding, and then laughing so hard that all of the kids were rolling on the floor. What a sight! Savannah tagged right along and had a blast with her cousins!!

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