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Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Day in Greenville

Savannah and Alyssa playing the piano

The entire gang (top, left to right) Connie, Craig, Carolyn, me, Savannah, Dave, Grammy, Papa, Brian, Susan (bottom, left to right) Corbin, Steve, Anna Rose, Alyssa

Yesterday we started our Thanksgiving celebration with a trip to Greenville, SC. Susan, Dave's sister, did an excellent job hosting this huge gathering of people and we all had a great time. It wasn't until 5pm that I realized I had forgotten to pack Savannah's dinner and she usually eats at 5!! For any normal child, this wouldn't be that big of a problem, but our child only eats chicken nuggets for dinner and everything was closed so we couldn't stop and buy any. Thankfully we made it home at around 7pm with only minimal screaming. Whew. We quickly fed her and put her to bed around 8pm, way past her normal bed time.

Today has been an adventure too . . . I just couldn't resist venturing out for a little shopping so Savannah and I headed out about 9am this morning. I didn't find any great sales, other than some Izod and Docker pants for Dave, but I did learn a very valuable lesson . . . strollers DO NOT BELONG on the escalators. We almost had a very serious accident as I dumped Savannah out of the stroller trying to get off of the escalator in the middle of the mall. Praise the Lord she was only half strapped in as I was able to rescue her without any bumps, bruises, or even cries. She thought it was funny! Whew.

1 comment:

Heather said...

We did the same thing with Ethan on the escalator when he was about 1. We have never done a stroller on one again!