Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Our First Bad Fall

We were headed to see Dave at work on Saturday which is 15 minutes away from our house and got stuck in traffic. Long story short, after 45 minutes of fighting traffic we finally arrived at his office. Our original plan was just to drop off daddy's lunch and then head to the mall, but after being in the car for that long, I promised a screaming child that she could get out for a little bit. I figured that the parking lot there would be a lot safer than the parking lot at the mall and I knew she'd be getting strapped into the stroller so I figured it'd be good to let her stretch a little. Anyway, as soon as she got out of the car she took off running and hit the pavement head first. It was so scary, but thankfully she seemed okay. Here's a picture of her little injured nose. It's healed a lot already!


Anonymous said...

her first big boo-boo - i know it scared you and dave not to mention how upset savannah was. i'm glad it wasn't worse. good thing little people heal quickly - kiss her for us dad/deb

Elizabeth said...

Watching your child fall is the worst! i am glad that she is okay. It takes your breath away...I am off to install another gate tonight. I cannot stand it!