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Friday, November 02, 2007

Chef Disaster Already

So I tried another Sneaky Chef recipe at dinner . . . disaster. I ended up with a cup of spinach juice, a sink full of dishes, food all over Savannah and the floor, and a child that is starving. My neighbor came over in the middle of the feeding episode and felt sorry for us all. She tried to help out, but Savannah was pretty determined not to eat any of the egg burrito that I slaved over making. So, she ended up eating goldfish, cheerios, and peaches for dinner. I guess that goes pretty well with her oranges for lunch and strawberry icecream for snack. She just can't live on fruit alone! AAAHHH!!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

And you were so excited about that book...Don't give up, she will eat when she gets hungry enough. You are such a good mama for even attempting a recipe with spinach juice. I would have loved to have seen the process for getting that lovely concoction together. I just can't believe she didn't devour the spinach juice recipe...Savannah, I'd eat peaches and goldfish, too...just give me the sign...