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Friday, November 30, 2007

The Bean Field

If anyone from high school is reading this, the title is for you. I actually call Savannah's latest playtime activity the bean box, but for old times sake I titled this the bean field. Anyway, during my WEE school freedom this morning I decided to make a bean container for Savannah to play in/with. At first I got a shoebox size container and quickly exchanged it for a larger one as I could envision the mess that could occur in my kitchen with a shoebox container filled with beans.

So, after her nap, I brought out her new toy and started to play in the beans. I added two cups and a spoon which Savannah loved!! Although it's MUCH messier than I ever thought, she loved playing in the container. Guess what her favorite thing to do is?? Throwing the beans out with the spoon. I would have stopped this insanity more quickly, but every time she'd hear the beans scattering all over the floor she would just shriek with laughter. There were a couple of times that she was laughing so hard she laid down on the floor and kept on laughing. How could any mom stop such fun?

Well, after many times of picking up beans all over the kitchen floor I closed the box, tight, and tried to move onto another activity. All Savannah would do is follow me around saying"O", her language for open. So I opened the box back up when the phone rang and you guessed it . . . beans everywhere again! Plus, I never realized how dirty pinto beans are. Our hands were black!! Oh well, at least we both had a good laugh.


Anonymous said...

it's amazing the simple "old-fashioned" toys are the best. she looks like she's having a ball and don't worry about the mess-it's just beans right? :)

Anna Morrison said...

I am really proud of you, Chrystal. Way to love on your daughter. It is easy to get a little frustrated with the mess but in reality, it will get cleaned up. It was well worth it.

Donna said...

When I get back to Charlotte, I am going to make one of these for Caroline! Thanks for the inspiration:)