Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


This week has been very crazy. I got the brilliant idea before vacation to put all of my tutoring students on two days at the beginning of the week and just knock it all out at once so that I could relax for the rest of the week. Well here I am having just finished my last student for the week and I'm completely exhausted. Whew.

I was going to update things yesterday saying that Savannah had improved tremendously, but then she screamed for 2.5 of my 3 hours of tutoring yesterday so that quickly changed my mind. She does seem better today, but still has diarrhea. I'm still struggling with the milk decision (whole vs. soy, due to the spitting up) and with trying to figure out this nap thing. Some days she takes 2 good naps and some days she just refuses, but seems to need it. AAAHHH!! Could someone please buy me a mommy manual??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hang in there it WIll get better! no manuals,they would be sold out if there were such a thing. maybe she is getting too much milk-how much is she supposed to have a day? soy milk is supposed to be good for digestion but does it have the same fat content? if she seems better on soy it may not hurt to try it. i like it, it has a creamy texture. i need a nap everyday, oh to be a baby :)
love ya dad/deb