Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Too Much Stress

As many of you know, when I get really stressed out I break out in a rash on my hands and arms. Well, it's back and it's worse than ever. I think the stress is coming from Savannah and her new found separation anxiety or it could be from trying to adjust to so little "me" time during the day or maybe it's from the crazy schedule that I keep . . . anyway, it's TOO much.

After two weeks of my finger oozing and really hurting to bend it, I decided it was time to go to the doctor. As soon as the nurse saw my finger she made this crazy face and almost yelled "oohh" after which she quickly apologized. She said she was sorry for reacting that way, but she had just never seen anything like my finger. Long story short, I saw three different medical people in the office and ended up with two prescriptions including an antibiotic for the infection. I can't even remember the last time I was on an antibiotic! The doctor seems to think that I'm allergic to platinum.

Please be praying for my stress level and my poor hand. It doesn't help the stress when you are in constant pain. I know that I need to just turn my anxiety over to the Lord, but this is a struggle for me right now as I can't seem to escape a child that wants to be held around the clock.

Here's the bright side . . . can't miss an opportunity to share my savings . . . I went to Target to fill my two prescriptions. One was $4 and the other was $10, but I used two different coupons from competitors (Bi-Lo and Rite Aid pharmacies) and ended up with $45 in Target gift cards. I have another coupon that I already gave them so when I refill my $4 prescription lotion again, I'll automatically get another $25 gift card. YIPPEE!! That made me feel a little better.


Chelle said...

Chrystal, you never cease to amaze me with your coupon skills! Teach me, oh savings master...:)

I hope your hand is doing better. I understand the frustration of a child who always wants to be held. Sometimes I have to tell myself to enjoy it because she won't be little forever.

Anna Morrison said...

Chrystal, so sorry to hear about the break out and the stress level. You are juggling a lot.

I will be thinking of you and praying. Hang in there.

"He's got you and me sister, in His hands, He's got you and me sister in His hands, He's got you and me sister in His hands ~ He's got the whole world in His hands . . ." (remember that sweet children's song)

Donna said...

Okay, how in the WORLD do you do it? I thought I was doing good today getting my $10 Target gift card for bringing in a new perscription! That's amazing!!!

Sorry about your hand:( Is it your wedding ring doing it?

Anonymous said...

where are you coming in contact with platnium? and why does it only break out once in a while and not all the time? remember before your wedding? anyway i hope the cream/antibiotics work quickly. as for the little princess, have you tried to divert her attention to something else, i'm sure you have.maybe some new toys (some you have put up) will catch her attention. try to enjoy the time you have when she wants to be held, it won't be long before she will be to big to pick up. anyway how can you resist someone so cute! :) deb/dad