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Friday, August 24, 2007

Room Time

Well, taking the advice of my precious and wonderful mommy friend Anna, I'm trying to start giving Savannah room time each day. (That's what allows me to type this!) So far it seems to be going pretty well, never mind the fact that I sneak out of her room as she's terrorizing the closet, again. Oh how I long for long hours of uninterrupted mommy time. It's so close I can almost taste it!

For those of you who haven't already heard about my excitement, Savannah is starting WEE (weekday early education) School in September at our church. It is an incredible program where hundreds of people literally camp outside the night before registration to get their kids in the program. Thankfully we don't have to do that as church members are given first priority, but I would if I had to! We went to orientation today and it's going to be even better than I thought!! Her teacher is a very close friend of the family . . . there's nothing more I could ask for than someone like Mrs. Jenny to love on Savannah every Friday! Mommy time is almost here. YIPPEE!!


Chelle said...

Chrystal, I'm so excited for you. Savannah will have a blast. Sara Frances LOVED mother's morning out this summer, so I'm so disappointed that we can send to WEE school just yet. But you enjoy your "Me Time" it up, girl. You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

don't forget to take pictures of her first day at play school. i don't know who will be more excited you or her :) enjoy
love ya deb/dad

Anna Morrison said...

Hooray for roomtime!! Ahh . . . the independence for both of you!! Love you, girl!