Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Days

I have so enjoyed the past few days with Savannah. Her new schedule is wonderful and each day I have witnessed her make more and more progress towards taking those first steps. She can now go from sitting to standing without using anything for support and stand for a long period of time. She's also just started walking behind her red car from grammy and grandpa. Amazing how fast things change!

One quick prayer request . . . she's still having spit up from time to time. It doesn't seem to bother her, but it smells NASTY and looks like cottage cheese. Yuck! Please pray that it's nothing to worry about and quickly goes away.


Anonymous said...

i'm glad savannah is "minding" better and helping you out each day. i know she is soo cute walking behind her car. do you think the milk is souring on her stomach? that's sort of what is sounds like-maybe her stomach is too full with milk-you could try diluting it with a little water for a few days to see if that helps. good luck love ya'll deb/dad

Anna Morrison said...

chrystal~ it sounds like you are truly embracing motherhood. i am always delighted to read about savannah's milestones.
sorry about he refux. madelyn always had trouble after anything she had eaten that was acidic, especially orange juice. it will pass. you have been a trooper through it all.