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Monday, August 06, 2007

New Issues

Well, after about an hour of trying to get this new computer to let me make a blog entry, here we are . . . one hour closer to Savannah waking up from her one and only nap. AAAHH!! This computer is about to send me and Dave over the edge. It's all fancy and stuff, but boy are we creatures of habit?! Things are so different with everything and it's just taking awhile to get our files all transferred to the new system and sorted out. If I get one more pop up screen asking a question I'm going to scream!!!

Anyway, here is my real issue this week. SAVANNAH. Ok, she's always my issue, but seriously, I need your help and advice. After months of bragging about how great of an eater she was it's finally bit me in the rear. Now she is refusing to eat all table food and she even is refusing the milk (except first thing in the morning). I know that people say when she's hungry she'll eat, but she's still eating, just not table food. She only wants baby food. Several times she's tried to eat goldfish, but once she has them chewed she reaches in her mouth and takes the gook out. Not only is it driving me crazy, but I'm really worried. What in the world is going on with her? For months she's eaten YoBaby yogurt and loved it and even that she's refusing now.

Here are my questions: (I would call the doctor and ask, but after about 5 calls last week I'm embarrassed to call again!)
  1. Do I just feed her the baby food and keep offering table food hoping she'll eventually eat it?
  2. What about the milk? Should I switch her back to bottles to see if she'll drink more?
  3. Why is she refusing to chew some things and others she'll chew and then take out?
  4. How long is this going to last?????

Please feel free to post your advice and suggestions!


Heather said...

I have no idea what to tell you except hang in there. Both of my kids transitioned to table food well. There are times where they will eat things forever and then take a break from them, like mac and cheese. Aubrey used to love it, but now she passes it up most of the time. Hopefully, it is just a little virus with her teeth. Don't feel bad about calling your doctor - that is what they are there for! Also, who cares if they think you are crazy at least you have a peace of mind about Savannah.

TS said...

Hi Chrystal!

I am Anna's friend Torie. (I attended your wedding with Anna to take care of Kalen)

I ran across your blog today, and felt I needed to offer some advice. I have a 16 month old son, Eli. He did the exact same thing as your daughter.

1. My Dr. told me to add a little vanilla extract to his milk, until he gets the hang of it. Do not go back to the bottle. She will get it.

2. Keep offering table food. Offer all types of foods.

3. Eli also stopped eating things he had been eating for months. I let those items rest, and reintroduced later.

4. It will not last that long. It seems like it takes forever for our children to get the hang of it, and then one day,... Poof! they get it!

5. Baby food is easier to eat than all of that chewing. She is not use to working her mouth so much.

** Some times when I would try new table food with Eli, he would throw up every where. At least once a week he would do this. I was ready to pull my hair out.

Hang in there! You making the transition perfectly. She will get it. Just keep pushing forward.

Good luck,
