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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Our Neighbors

I have to tell you that I am beyond blessed to have such wonderful neighbors. I never thought I'd say this, but it's extremely difficult to live in a city with a child and be hours away from your family. God knew what He was doing when He sent us to the house between a doctor one side and a nurse on the other side. Isn't that amazing?? We see the house and fall in love with it because of it's features, space, etc. but God had a bigger and better reason for us to be here! Anyway, I have called both of my neighbors many times to ask questions about Savannah and even showed up on one doorstep at 10pm one night with a baby that was turning blue. They are wonderful!

Just today, for example, I'd reached my breaking point with Savannah. Even after calling the doctor twice yesterday and once today, I just feel like something is wrong with her stomach. Of course there's nothing that they can do for a virus, so here we are, waiting it out. She has not had much of an appetite and screams every time I try to change a diaper, feed her, give her milk, wipe her nose, or heaven forbid I try to feel for incoming teeth. WHEW!! Anyway, I was trying to calm her down so I helped her get into the rocker in the nursery. It wasn't five seconds before she headed for the end table (like she normally does) but this time she took a nose dive right over the edge of the chair. Now I'm sitting there watching this happen and as I reach for her legs it's too late . . . she's head first in the floor after hitting her forehead pretty hard on the table. So, what do I do, call my neighbor Mrs. Marlene. Long story short, after heading over to her house with both of us crying Savannah is now playing there for a little bit. What a relief to know that she's in good hands . . . and a little break for mommy.

Please be praying for Savannah as this virus/teething issue passes and for Dave as he just called me from work saying that he's sick too, not good timing here at month end!


Donna said...

Sorry Chrystal:( Caroline had a mishap today, too. We were in a store and she was running down one of the aisles and ran right into a table! She has a terrible bruise on her right temple! I'm just glad it wasn't her eye.
So you found out it's just a virus Savannah has?

Anonymous said...

chrystal i'm so sorry ya'll are having such a hard few weeks. teething can be a real headache for moms as well as babies. i know how a toothache feels so i can imagine what little princess feels like. have you tried chilly willy frozen sticks? i'm not sure if i am calling them by the right name but i think you'll remember what i'm talking about. it won't fix her attitude but will help numb her gums for a little while. also if she is throwing up pedialyte (is that spelled right) makes a frozen popsicle that replaces electrolytes and they are cold which again might help her teeth.
when they cut either what we used to call eye or stomach teeth it will make most babies sick like a virus. just hang in there you're doing a good job. we would love to keep savannah one day for you to have some shopping, spa or whatever me time for you and dave.
i'll talk to your dad- hope dave feels better- love ya' deb