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Monday, August 20, 2007

Family Reunion

Yesterday we made the annual trip to Burlington to attend our family reunion. It's always fun catching up with relatives that we haven't seen in a long time, but yesterday was a zoo. My brother Denny and I have the youngest kids there so we're always making a scene with them. Savannah was her normal self with throwing food, unpacking the diaper bag, and trying to get into everything that she shouldn't. Afterwards, we had some time for the cousins to play at Great Grandmaw's house. I didn't get any really good pictures of the three cousins, but here are some of Savannah with her grandparents.


Donna said...

Savannah is adorable in that second picture! I love her face! I'm glad y'all had a fun time.

Anna Morrison said...

Your mom looks good, Chrystal. I am glad you were able to visit with some family that you don't see much. It really is important.
Savannah's dress is too cute!!
Keep the posts coming. I am a daily reader. (no pressure!! I know how busy you are little mama!)