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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Job Like No Other

I just want to take a minute and really share what's been on my heart today. Lately I've really been struggling with being a stay at home mom. The frustration of not knowing why Savannah is being so fussy all day, not knowing how much or what to feed her, not knowing how long she should be sleeping during the day, etc. has been driving me crazy and actually made me question God's plan for me. Add to that my own agenda of chores and errands that I need (okay, want) to get accomplished and I've just been overwhelmed. I'm even guilty of jokingly trying to give Savannah away to friends, her pediatrician, and even strangers.

It wasn't until this morning when I was reading a friend's blog when it hit me . . . I am Savannah's mom. This is my job. No, it's not easy, but it is exactly where God wants me. He doesn't want me in the workplace. He doesn't want me to be stressed over mystery shops and running errands, but He has shown me today where He wants me ~ here in the floor of my living room spending time with Savannah. Loving her, teaching her, learning with and from her, reading to her, getting dirty again and again together, sharing meals together, and enjoying her precious life. God blessed our lives with her and who am I to question why things aren't perfect?

I have definitely been convicted this morning of not spending enough quality time with Savannah, of wishing away the hours until Dave gets home, of rushing around from place to place trying to check things off of my list, of time spent right here in front of this computer . . . God has given me a job like no other and I intend to start making it my top priority. After all, I've already given up house cleaning, so what's a few errands too?? Here's a picture of what my job involves, being a wife and mommy.

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