Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Rough Afternoon

Savannah was unusually fussy all day yesterday. Although it's quite normal for her to need attention ALL of the time and to cry when she's not getting it, I just sensed that something was different all day. As Dave and I were counting down the hours until bedtime we finally decided to just bathe her, give her some milk, and put her in front of the TV so we could enjoy our steaks we'd just grilled.

Well, it wasn't 3 minutes after sitting down to eat that Savannah came crying to the kitchen table. So, trying to preserve some of the peace, I picked her up and was attempting to hold her while eating my dinner . . . then, you guessed it, she threw up all over me. It was awful! So, after another bath and changing both of our clothes, we decided that we should probably just put her to bed. Dumb idea. Again, we sat down to dinner and after about two bites she started screaming violently. We rushed upstairs and found her covered in more throw up. Only this was worse because everything on her was covered, the bumper pads were covered, the sheets were soaked, and when I picked her up the food was just falling all over the carpet on the way to the tub. Nothing I have ever smelled was worse than this and now we were both covered again. So Dave sat watching her in the tub while I changed the bedding, bathed her a third time, changed her PJs, and rocked her for awhile before putting her back to bed. Oh yeah, as for that dinner that we'd hoped to eat in peace, I just threw mine away.

Thankfully, she slept through the night and didn't have any more episodes, but she still just isn't normal this morning. We went for our regular morning run and she started screaming only 10 minutes into the run so we headed home, me carrying her in one arm and pushing the stroller with the other hand.

Is this because of the whole milk? Did she get a virus from the nursery? I'm clueless, but we're headed to see Dr. Baker today.

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