Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Our Anniversary

This past week has been pretty hectic, but I think I've finally recovered from the big birthday party on Saturday, Father's Day on Sunday, our anniversary on Tuesday, and Savannah's doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Although we had lots going on last week, Tuesday was an extra special day for me. Dave surprised me by taking a day off from work to be home with the family for our 3rd anniversary. We kept the normal weekday routine, but it was just extra special to have daddy home. We did make it out to dinner at a local restaurant (not our favorite one as it's not very baby friendly ~ what happens when I'm too busy to remember to call a babysitter) and of course Dave broke our deal for no gifts and showed up with flowers for me! :) He's so thoughtful!

I continue to be amazed at how he can fulfill so many roles at work and at home. Dave's always been a loving husband even when I'm not so lovable, a great daddy who loves his daughter even when she's fussy, and an extremely hard working employee who's way under appreciated at work. Even after a long day at the office, he's always willing to come home and pitch right in with the routine. I am possibly one of the luckiest women alive!!

Now just when I get things back in order and half cleaned up, I've planned a play date at my house for Tuesday. I like to keep it interesting . . .

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