Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Yesterday we had the dreaded 1 year doctor's appointment. Part of me always looks forward to getting my list of questions answered by the doctor, but the other part of me hates the end of the appointment where Savannah has to get shots . . . a grand total of 5 shots and a finger prick yesterday. Ouch! Thankfully Dave took time off from work to be there with us. She weighed in at 27 1/2 pounds and was 32 inches long. She's still in the 97+ percentile for height, weight, and head size.

1 comment:

Ka_Ka said...

Une pomme rouge
S'en allant à Rome
Saint Pierre et saint Simon
Gardez bien la maison
S'il y vient un pauvre
Donnez-lui l'aumône
S'il y vient un capucin
Donnez-lui un verre de vin
S'il y vient un voleur
Percez-lui le coeur.