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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A taste of cake

This weekend we took an exciting trip to Yadkinville to see my cousin Josh get married. It was a beautiful ceremony, once we finally found the church. Afterwards I realized that I'd forgotten to pack Savannah some dinner so you guessed it, we were scrambling for what to feed the girl. Finally, I gave in and let her taste some wedding cake without the frosting. She loved it and couldn't get enough. We paid for it later as she just wouldn't go to sleep once we were home. She was full of energy and just not tired . . . or maybe it was from riding so long in the car? I can't wait to see what she does in less than a month when she gets to dig into her own cake, icing and all!! Here is a picture of Savannah with her great grandmaw.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a cute picture. She is turning out just like her mother, liking cake and all. :)