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Friday, May 18, 2007

My new trick

Lately Savannah has decided that taking a nap is on her list of things that she fights . . . but I've come up with a trick to get her to nap easier.

I put her in the crib surrounded by her favorite toys (some keys, two stuffed animals, a teething toy, her Guess How Much I Love You book, Mr. Rabbit) and of course her comfort item (any old bib) and just leave the room. She usually sits and plays for 10+ minutes, but eventually lays down and goes to sleep, NO CRYING involved!! The extra bonus is that when she wakes up there's an extra 15+ minutes of free time for mommy while she again plays with her toys.

If I put the same exact things in the crib, but put her in laying down instead of sitting she begins screaming and fighting the nap. I think she enjoys the independence of being able to decide exactly when she goes "down" for a nap. Wonder how long this will last?

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