Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I never thought that a child could have such a determined will at only 11 months old! Just lately Savannah has started really fighting certain necessary routines . . . being strapped into the car seat, having a diaper changed, being put down on the floor to play, being strapped into the jogging stroller, and now even baths. It's interesting because I think I've figured out that she just wants to be involved with EVERYTHING that is going on. She doesn't want to sit still for a bath, diaper change, or face backwards in the car. Savannah doesn't want to play with her basket of toys while mommy tutors, she wants to help tutor. She wants to be active and moving about, exploring the world around her.

Interestingly enough, when I was pregnant she barely moved in my tummy. There were several times near the end of that 9 months that I would make a frantic trip to the doctor's office uptown and be hooked up to fetal monitors just to make sure that she indeed was fine. I just knew that she would have a personality much like Dave, easy going, since she was so calm before being born. I think that I secretly hoped for a strong willed child that would never be stepped on or heavily influenced by the crowd, but I had no idea what I was wishing for!

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