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Monday, May 14, 2007

A perfect Mother's Day gift

This was truly a special weekend for me as I celebrated my first real Mother's Day! Dave surprised me with a gift I've been wanting for awhile now . . . my very own roomba vacuum. I have to say that although I love my new roomba, the perfect Mother's Day gift was one that Savannah actually did give me . . . she finally started pulling up! I've worried about this for way too long, but I think she was just waiting to give me a special gift on my special day. She has a ways to go, but can now easily climb up three stairs!! Now that she's found this new ability to get on her knees and pull herself up, she's already into lots of new things. Crazy. Just like the reflux, overnight things seem to develop.

Once again I'm reminded how lucky I am to be able to capture each and every first that she has. Many times this weekend through cards and comments I was told that I was a good mommy, but I have to say that being a good mom is only possible with a good dad! Thanks to my wonderful husband, I have the chance to learn how to be a good mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

both of you are great parents. so when is savannah going to have a live in playmate? you know some one to entertain her while you tutor?