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Friday, May 11, 2007

Reflux update

Well, I think I can safely say that we're finally finished with the acid reflux phase. I never thought it would happen, but Savannah has actually stopped spitting up her milk and food. It's been a long road with lots of medicine and trips to the specialist, but the end has arrived. It seemed to end overnight, right after we spent another fortune on next month's medicine, but I'm not complaining . . . just very happy to be finished with that stuff. What a blessing!! Now when she is wearing a cute outfit we don't have to cover it up with a bib!! :) Wonder if we should get new carpet now or later?

1 comment:

Anna Morrison said...

What a blessing!! I am so thankful you all are done with the reflux mess. I know how hard that can be. You were a trooper! Way to tough it out. I would wait on the new flooring if you plan to have another little one! Trust me!!
Love you friend!