Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, August 26, 2024

FDOC for Preston @ PHS

And just like that, my baby is a freshman in high school!  He was also a bit anxious about a new, bigger school and all that comes with high school.  But he too is stepping out and being brave.  It helps that he has already been to several soccer and football games, and also to open house where he found all of his classes.

He had a great day, complete with a big group of friends to eat lunch with at an actual table in the mall, so that's a win-win!  To celebrate first day success we went out for Baskin Robbins!

Here's to the next grand four-year adventure.  This kid is so outgoing and knows so many people . . .  I think we are in for a new experience this time around with having a high school student who is ACTIVE in everything. :)  But on the school work front . . well, thank goodness Savannah is just a phone call away.  He is already saving, I don't like this homework thing, and on the FIRST day! LOL  Welcome to Providence, Preston!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Atlanta Braves Game 2024


Dave took Friday off of work and after taking Preston to the bin store they headed to Georgia for a Braves game.  It was actually a Father's Day gift for Papa (this was literally the only date that would work with our crazy schedule). They had a blast at the game and enjoyed visiting with Grammy & Papa too.  

Monday, August 19, 2024

FDOC @ UNC Chapel Hill

After a bit of a rough weekend, today was filled with a bit of nerves about the first day of class, but she is doing it!  One day at a time, she continues to put herself out there, seeking new friends and trying new things.  I'm so proud of the way she is pushing through and persevering already.  She snapped this picture for me before leaving for her 8am class and then later sent me the picture below after completing the tradition of drinking in the fountain on the first day of class.  

She was also interviewed by the local news crew about the tradition, which was so cool to see!  The first day was a success!!  I figured the classes wouldn't be hard, but starting over and building friendships that matter, now that's challenging.


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Pizza Tradition Continues

I snapped this picture of Preston tonight.  During Covid we started a Sunday pizza night tradition and still  always make two frozen pizzas or get take out.   He was sending Savannah a picture to let her know not to worry he is handling her extra slices quite well.  Lord help me!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Chapel Hill Move In!!!

The long-awaited day is finally here . . . Chapel Hill move in!  To say that the car was packed is an understatement.  There was absolutely NO extra space and the kids rode with a massive bean bag on top of them all of the way to school.  LOL

Time to see her room.  To our surprise, her roommate was already there and had moved in earlier than we thought.

After dragging three loads of stuff in with the wagon, the boys were put right to a task.  They built the shelf in no time. :)

The room is all together . . . well except for the desk area that we needed to measure first.  Preston kicked back, proud of his work.

After getting Savannah all set up and walking around campus to hit the bookstore and find the study center we went to dinner on Franklin Street.  It was yummy!  Then we got in the car to drive to Target for milk and realized it was walkable!  Wha!!??  Target is within walking distance of campus and only a super short bus ride if it's raining?!?  So we reparked the car and walked to Target for milk and then realized there was a Crumbl cookie store too.  So we stopped in for my birthday treat to share back at the dorm.

We prayed over Savannah and the year ahead and then left our Gracie Bell in Chapel Hill!

It was sad . . and hard to leave her but we trust she is in the right place for such a time as this.  We know she will do great things and be a light in this dark world.  I can leave her knowing He is in complete control and knows how her beautiful story will unfold.  Nevertheless, it was challenging for this mama bear to let go.  

When we got home there was this box of fresh cookies on the porch from a sweet family who loves our girl and is praying for her too.  So thankful we are not alone in this journey and that SO many people are covering Savannah in prayer.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Highs & Lows of the Week

 We are officially on college countdown over here . . . anxiety is increasing as is the amount of "necessities" stored in our guest room. The week has been full of trips to Carowinds, rain from tropical storm Debby, foiled plans, an orthodontist appointment we almost forgot about, and lots of errands.

Wednesday Preston had arranged to meet a friend at Carowinds, only said friend forgot. :(  So I got to hang with this cutie and enjoy a ride on Boo Blaster before the kid that actually rides roller coasters showed up to hang with Preston for the rest of the day.

Thursday brought MASSIVE amounts of rain from tropical storm Debby that totally destroyed our french drain which we just repaired 3 weeks ago.  So frustrating!  Now we need to research other landscaping options to avoid the constant flooding and dirt drainage.

But there's always Friday.  This girl was SO thrilled to score a Dyson airwrap for $14 at the bin store today.  She picked Preston up from a sleepover so they could be there right when the store opened at 8 and it was worth the early start!  She was also a bit excited to get my birthday treat from Panera.  

We wrapped up the day by doing Carowinds at night and getting Marble Slab.  YUM!!!  The next few days will be full but we are going to try to enjoy Savnanah's last weekend to the fullest before officially moving her into Chapel Hill.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Poats Lake Adventure 2024

There are very few good things that came out of Covid, but the relationship these girls have with Mrs. Poats is definitely one of those blessings. Every summer the Poats treat the girls to a long weekend on the lake, which according to Savannah is like an all inclusive resort. On Sunday the families all come up to enjoy the lake together . . . and that is the day Preston looks forward to all year long!

Today did not disappoint in any way 
(well maybe other than getting the hot/regular BBQ sauce mixed up LOL)

It's sort of hard to see, but that is Preston airborne on the left tube

 We all had such a fabulous time and are beyond thankful for the relationships built, time shared, and fun had on Lake James today!

Friday, August 02, 2024

Where ya Bin . . . Savannah?!?

 Preston and Savannah have developed a bond over going to the Bin store together on Friday mornings . . . she is SO patient with him and also enjoys seeing what good deals they can find for $14.  But when she leaves for the lake with her girlfriends, I am the only option to drive this dodo to the bin store on Friday morning.  

He was super excited to drive us there and even MORE excited to be first in the chosen line to be the very first customer to race into the store.

He was also thrilled with his cart of finds, but no so happy for me to try to take a picture. LOL and let me tell you I was not so happy it took sooo long to go through his cart and scan everything to see if it was worth buying.  Never the less, he left with five items (because that was the limit I gave him) and was excited to get home and throw them all on eBay.  I love that the kids share this activity together, but don't so love going myself.  HA!