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Monday, August 26, 2024

FDOC for Preston @ PHS

And just like that, my baby is a freshman in high school!  He was also a bit anxious about a new, bigger school and all that comes with high school.  But he too is stepping out and being brave.  It helps that he has already been to several soccer and football games, and also to open house where he found all of his classes.

He had a great day, complete with a big group of friends to eat lunch with at an actual table in the mall, so that's a win-win!  To celebrate first day success we went out for Baskin Robbins!

Here's to the next grand four-year adventure.  This kid is so outgoing and knows so many people . . .  I think we are in for a new experience this time around with having a high school student who is ACTIVE in everything. :)  But on the school work front . . well, thank goodness Savannah is just a phone call away.  He is already saving, I don't like this homework thing, and on the FIRST day! LOL  Welcome to Providence, Preston!

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