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Monday, January 22, 2024

Another College Tour UNC-Charlotte

Tour note for non absence day

The high school came out with some ridiculous exam policy where you could finally be exempt from mid-term exams if you have a certain grade and only a few absences . . but exempting from an exam actually counts as an absence!  Being that Savannah has worked SO hard to keep perfect attendance (only missing one day in middle school) she refuses to get an absence for exempting an exam.  SOOOO, we decided to take advantage of the policy to take a college tour and still be counted as present. ;)  She had been wanting to see the campus of UNC Charlotte so we made an appointment and headed North this morning. 

It was freezing cold, both inside the presentation and on the hour-plus walking tour but we made the most of the morning; although I was super disappointed not to get a picture of her on campus. :(  As we were leaving the guided tour (walking ALL the way back across campus) her first comment was "Well, I can safely say I'm glad I didn't apply here".  Maybe it was the freezing cold, the non-engaging tour guide, or just the feel of the campus, but either way, we both know she wants to be a little further away from home.

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