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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Triple Terrible Tuesday


Every other Tuesday is affectionally known as "Terrible Tuesday" in the Bachmann household.  It's sort of comical because it's actually a very helpful day when the cleaning ladies come, but it takes a LOT of prep to get ready . . . between changing all the sheets, towels, picking up, and recycling day everyone complains about having to get ready for the cleaning crew.  BUT today was extra terrible!  It should have been a super fun day with being the last day before Thanksgiving break and with Preston's Day of Awesomeness at JMR, but we had a lot of extra things going on. 

Preston had surgery scheduled for today.  He was quite nervous but it ended up going really well.  Our only problem now is that he can't put any weight on the foot for TWO WEEKS!  I also had a long-awaited doctor appointment that I was a bit anxious about.

Savannah had a huge presentation and volunteered to make a cake for her math class.  Not just any cake, but a gender reveal double-layer bundt cake for her teacher!  Let's just say we forgot to plan for a few details like what kind of glaze/frosting we would use and how she would actually get the cake to school.  All of these things were realized on the eve of Terrible Tuesday too.  

How cool is this amazing cake creation?!?  It all worked out (I even made my bonus goal of 10 Shipt shops) and we weren't late for anything despite the terrible traffic around town thanks to a major accident.  So although it was a quite stressful and busy day, we survived this triple terrible Tuesday with flying colors.  Now on to Thanksgiving!

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