Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

During Week SIX of quarantine

 It's been fun seeing them work together and come up with creative ideas of things to do!  One day I looked out and they were attempting to fly a kite in the front yard.

It wasn't constantly windy, so after awhile they took a break on the driveway.

One day we ventured all of the way to the JMR track.  I didn't realize they had planned to practice Preston's field goal kicks. He actually made two!

Thanks to Uncle Denny's Amazon prime account we were able to get some new shrinky dink paper.  The kids enjoyed many new creations in their mini oven.

Today they have enjoyed having Dave home.  We played several games as a family, went on a long walk to the ATM for Savannah, and then they started a game of Monopoly!  

Although they announced Friday that schools are closed for the rest of the year, we are going to make the best of our stay at home situation.  I LOVE seeing the kiddos work together.  Granted there are still lots of disagreements and moments (okay hours) of boredom, but I'm hoping we look back one day and can be thankful for this time together as a family.  These are the moments I hope to remember! :)

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