Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, December 02, 2018

A Weekend of Late Night Boy Fun!

Dave and Preston had lots of fun this weekend.  We met at Chick fil A for dinner on Friday before the boys headed to a King and Country Christmas concert.  Savannah and I aren't big concert goers and since she had her first SAT bright and early Saturday morning, we opted for a few errands before heading home for an early night.

The boys had a great time and got home super late!

Saturday while Savannah was taking the SAT, the rest of us worked in the yard for a long time. Then the rain came so we enjoyed a day at home, trying to check things off of our never ending list. After dinner, Dave headed uptown to the Clemson ACC championship game. He took Brian and they had an awesome time.  It was another super late night, but thankfully the rain wasn't too terrible and they stayed dry for the most part.  Sunday was filled with more Christmas shopping for the Savannah and me while Preston went to a birthday party.  It was a busy, fun-filled weekend . . the last one for a long time where we won't be travelling to celebrate Christmas.

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