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Saturday, November 24, 2018

2018 Thanksgiving Festivities

Thanksgiving morning started bright and early this year!  We knew the neighborhood had a run scheduled for 9am, but didn't know how long the course was and wanted to be able to "run" with the kids so Dave and I went out earlier for a pre-run.  Then we circled back by the house and picked up the kids to walk to the start of our neighborhood Turkey Trot.  It was so much fun, even if some family members didn't finish the race.  They all enjoyed the donuts and juice at the end provided by the neighborhood.

After we all showered we were off to Mebane for our  Thanksgiving celebration.  There were 17 of us there to give thanks together . . and plenty of food for all.  Towards the end of the evening, the cousins started begging for a weekend together in Charlotte.  Before I knew it, we had a car full of kids headed back home with us!

Dillon had no interest in coming (and we couldn't have fit one more in the car) but the girls all piled in and we headed home for a fun-filled weekend.

There were LOTS of games of hide and seek, time spent playing outside, family card games, baking, and eating!  We even went for a walk to Harris Teeter to get frosting for the girls' cake that they baked. 

Before we knew it, the time was here to head back to meet Denny and return the kids.  It was quite the weekend with enjoying extended time with our family. :)  We truly have SO much to be grateful for!!!

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