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Saturday, October 15, 2016

A Couple of Awesome Dates

Once the race was over today, Savannah and I hit the mall (yes, it wasn't my first choice of post-race activities, but I had promised her we could go) to get her some new shoes.  She has had this daddy-daughter date night planned for weeks and was excited to go to Chima Brazilian Steakhouse to support Make A Wish.  It's a fancy affair so she and Dave dressed up and headed out for their date.

Since they were out, Preston and I took full advantage of our time and went to his restaurant of (second to Chuck E Cheese) choice, Chili's.  As soon as we were seated he saw his buddy Maks and they immediately hugged and started joking around.  There is just something sweet about friendship in little kids. :)

We had great service, delicious food and even a yummy dessert.  Afterwards we attempted to feed the ducks at the pond, but it was just too dark for them to see.  So, we opted to save our cereal for another time in the daylight.

This has been one busy, but fabulous day!  I'm so thankful for this precious time to spend with our kiddos after they have endured so much for me to be able to complete my race series and training runs.  Hopefully things will be back to "normal" now.

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