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Sunday, June 19, 2016

12 Amazing Years and Counting . . .

Today has been a super special day in our house!  Not only are Dave and I celebrating 12 years of marriage together, but the kids are celebrating one super duper amazing daddy!

The past 12 years have certainly been an adventure.  We've had many times together  that were wonderful, but have been through our share of challenges in the valley too.  I'm so thankful God blessed me with this incredible man.  He loves our family unconditionally, is honorable and respected both at church and work, and always gives his best trying not to disappoint anyone.  

One of my favorite things about Dave is the way he leads our family, always pointing us to the Lord.  These kids love their daddy SO much.  Dave always takes time to get in the floor to play, do Preston's crazy nighttime puppet show, read "one more story" and make every school activity he possibly can.  I've been told many times that I "just don't do it like daddy" . . . mainly because daddy has the patience of Job!

Daddy chose to celebrate at the pool!
Dave, I couldn't be more thankful to be doing life with you.  Our kids adore you, but I love you even more!  Thank you for putting up with our crazy schedules, for never complaining and for loving us through it all. Here's to many more years together. :)

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