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Sunday, April 03, 2016

Spring *BREAK* 2016 . . Literally

This year once again for Spring break we decided to stay in Charlotte and enjoy some fun activities around town . . and honestly to just enjoy a slower pace of life for a week. 

The week started off with some errands (of course) and a morning at the gym, but we also enjoyed the beautiful weather and ventured out to the park.  Preston enjoyed a few hours with his friend Reeve at the park.  By lunch time it was super crowded so we headed home for lunch.  

Tuesday was probably the most exciting day for the kids as we ventured out to Carowinds for the first time this season.  This "little" guy was on cloud nine as he was finally legally able to ride the bumper cars at 48" tall!  It opened up a lot of new adventures and we had a great time!

However it was SUPER crowded so after a few hours we called it a day and headed home for dinner. 

Wednesday's fun was a mini golf trip to Adventure Landing.  They had a blast and we had just enough time to get in 18 holes before the rain came.  I have to say that both of them were amazing and allowed me to get a lot of errands done this week with pretty much NO complaining!  Honestly the relaxed pace was a welcomed change for us all.

Thursday afternoon was when *break* got really interesting . . . or pretty much really ended.  Preston and Savannah were playing in the back yard and all of a sudden I heard screams of pain.  I rushed out to find Preston holding his arm in extreme pain.  It took me a lot of phone calls to figure out what to do and where to take him, but we finally found a super sweet nurse that got us a same day appointment at OrthoCarolina even though we weren't an established patient.

This was my sad, scared, in pain boy in the elevator.  Even B was allowed to come along . . and B is rarely allowed out of the house!

After an x-ray, the doctor confirmed that his wrist was broken and needed a cast. :(  The bone was slightly misaligned, but the doctor didn't seem worried.  But it slowly started to sink in that a life was getting ready to be a lot different . . . no more football, less of an adventure at Y Guides, a bit of trouble with schoolwork and writing, etc.

After the appointment he was much better.  Feeling good enough for a special trauma treat after dinner . .

Baskin Robbins!!!  

Friday was pretty low key with learning how to manage doing life with your dominant hand casted and in a sling but he did amazingly well.  I can't even think of one time he complained!

Saturday Dave needed to do some work so I took the kids to see Zootopia.  It was a super cute movie and a fun way to spend Saturday afternoon.  Savannah was super excited to see the movie, but even more excited that when we arrived her best friend was already in the same theater!

All in all it was a fun break.  Definitely one we'll never forget!

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