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Monday, January 04, 2016

It's a Happy New Year Weekend!

Dave and I had the kids in bed their normal time on New Year's Eve and we settled in to watch War Room around 8pm.  Shortly after the movie we hit the sack and reminisced about the years past when we stayed up to ring in the new year.  I have to say that in our early years of dating we have quite a few fun memories. :)  But this year we both agreed that sleep was more important and the new year would be waiting for us on Friday.  I was just thrilled to find out that Dave was going to be home New Year's Day!

We spent New Year's day mostly at home.  The kids loved playing multiple games with Dave.  Then, Savannah and I escaped for a bit around lunch to run some errands and get her some new shoes (now in women's sizes) and then we were home for lunch.  Savannah was SO excited to finally eat Nutella again.  I am so proud of her for making a resolution and sticking to it for an entire year.

We talked about resolutions a bit.  Savannah decided to be healthier by not eating PopTarts for breakfast anymore.  Not sure what she'll replace it with will be much healthier, but at least we agree PopTarts are bad.  Preston, doing pretty much everything that Savannah does,  decided not to eat PopTarts and Nutella as well.  However, after an hour of just thinking about it he decided he didn't need a resolution and ate both. :)  For me, after a year of being much healthier myself, my goal this year is to feed the family healthier.  Starting first with the kids' lunches.  It will be a slow gradual change, but I'm determined to help us all eat healthier this year.  I've also decided to add in a 7th weekly workout, nothing major but just another 30 minute minimum exercise set.  Dave, yeah, he refuses to make any kind of resolution!

Saturday morning we were all up and ready to head to Greenville, SC for the Clemson game.  It was a fun trip and a great game.  We stopped at the outlets on the way home and I used my Christmas money for a much needed new purse.  Sunday was business as usual.  

We have had a wonderful year in 2015 and look forward to what the Lord has planned for our family in 2016.  Here's to a year full of love, laughter, good health, and fond memories.  Happy New Year!!!

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