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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Rain Rain Go Away

It's hard to be frustrated with 3 straight days of rain when we are in such a drought, but man enough already!  The rain started Friday morning and it has rained non stop since then.  Thankfully we didn't have plans on Friday, but Saturday the wet weather really made our outdoor plans icky . . . but it wasn't raining hard enough to cancel anything so we were just wet for what felt like all day. :(

We still found a few smiles after 11 miles!
Bright (actually dark) and early Saturday morning at 6:30 I headed out with my running buddy Melissa for our long run.  We really can't skip a run this close to our half and couldn't think about running 11 miles on a treadmill so off we went.  It was just nasty and misty for most of the run, but there were times throughout our 1 hour and 46 minutes running that it was truly raining.  Never the less, we finished and were soaked to the bone when we got home.  A warm shower sure felt good!

It's a goal, the first of FOUR today!!
 I just knew soccer would be cancelled, but after getting home from my run the kids were excited to let me know that it was NOT cancelled and we were going to be headed back out in the nasty rain for another hour.  It turned out to be an exciting game as our team scored over 20 goals against a team that they knew a lot of players on . . . and our little guy was thrilled to score 4 goals, 3 of them in a row!

I was pretty sore from my run, but had promised Savannah a girls day out since the boys had plans to go to a King and Country concert.  She chose to go to the mall and "window shop" so that's just what we did. :)  I bribed her with a treat of her choice as long as we could sit down and eat it.  (I needed to rest my achy body!!)  She chose a frosted lemonade from Chick fil A and we shared the yumminess before heading home to get dinner served up.  It was so cold that we switched up our meal plan for the weekend and opted for crock pot chili!

Loving one on one time with Savannah
 Preston couldn't wait for his time with daddy.  I gave Dave the option of taking Preston to the King and Country concert instead of me . . and I think it was more fun for both of them.  "Jammin' out to King and Country" has become their special thing to do when the girls are away so this was a perfect way for them to spend the afternoon.

Jammin' at the King and Country concert
The weather report is for an entire week of rain to come . . . I'm not sure I can take that many more days of this yuckiness or the thought of another long run in the rain.  Please Lord let the sun come out soon!!!

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