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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Edisto 2015

We are finally here!

Wednesday morning bright and early (well, a bit later than expected) we loaded the car, hit Chick fil A for breakfast and headed to Edisto Beach for our annual  vacation with Dave's family.  The kids loved spending time with their cousins in the sand and waves!  Here are a few pictures from our trip . . . 

One of the trip highlights was seeing a sea turtle nest uncovered and baby turtles released.  We learned a ton about how the mamas lay their eggs and then the babies find their way to the ocean.  They are protected by national laws so there was a ranger there when the nest was uncovered, but how cool was it to see the crew find 7 baby sea turtles (that hadn't been able to find their way out of the sand) and then to set them free!  Those of us that were there made a path with our feet and watched them scurry to the ocean.

Unfortunately we had some rain a few afternoons, but not until there had been plenty of fun in the sun. :)  We also enjoyed our first Bingo night on the island and lots of delicious food. Here are few more pictures from our mini vaca.

Savannah's model shot
Preston's model shot
My cute kiddos!
Family picture, crazy Preston
Grammy & Papa with the grand kids
The girls sporting their new visors
and what trip is complete without Dave being buried in the sand . . . Preston joined him this year
Morning routine of feeding the turtles
Our last day there the beach was pretty much non existent!  It was super windy and the tide seemed to be high all day. . . so the kids just made it an adventure of seeing who could get up the sand wall without falling down.

My favorite picture!  Savannah & Preston enjoying the beach!
It was a fun trip, but we were certainly glad to be home in the comfort of our own beds late Saturday night!  A huge thank you to Grammy & Papa for treating us to another great vacation.

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