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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Peak into Our First Full Week of Summer

This week is our first full week of summer fun!  Although much of the first few days have been spent running errands, doing laundry, and trying to catch up from a crazy weekend, there still has been plenty of time for fun too!  Savannah's running club started again today.  She was thrilled to see Coach Diane and start earning more charms again, even though it was smokin' hot outside.  After running club we headed home quickly to pack our lunches for some afternoon pool fun. . . but only after swim lessons!

Monday our swim lesson started back up with Ms. Doris.  The kids absolutely adore her and so do I!

Savannah showing off her twist jump
Savannah working on the butterfly stroke
 Preston was a little hesitant on Monday and definitely bit nervous.  However, it didn't take him long to "warm up"!  Today (day 3 of lessons) Doris had him jumping in the deep end of the pool and swimming solo to the other end.  He is so very proud of his accomplishments and frequently asks me "mom are you impressed?" :)

Working on swimming arms and turning his head for air
A high five at the end of their lesson!
 So after swim lessons we headed to the Y pool for a few hours.  It was super hot so the kids had a blast just playing together in the water.  I surprised them with a movie night too . . . thankfully it was just the bribe I needed to get them to get out of the water and go home. :)  After we got home and all showered we put on our jammies at 4pm (ah, this mama loves the flexibility of summer) and watched Annie.

Pool time fun!

We are doing well even with daddy in Vegas.  It's super hot, but at least there are things we can do to stay cool.  Here's to a few more days of swim lessons and then we'll start celebrating again on Saturday when our little guy turns 6!

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