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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

ICE Day 2015

I'm so thankful it doesn't take much snow/ice to make my kids happy!  We woke up this morning to the ground/road/trees covered in ice, but very little snow.  Savannah and Preston were SO excited!!  Once the first kid was visible outside my two were begging to go out and play.  I bundled them up as best as I could and out they went.  Two hours later I had to drag them in because their bottoms were soaked!

Over the course of time out I counted 15 different children that came to enjoy the super slope of our driveway with various sleds and tubes.  So now we are waiting for the (hopefully big) melting to begin.  We just finished hot chocolate and the kids are enjoying the Wii together.  It could be an interesting week as the lows are projected to be around 5 and 10 degrees with some more snow possible tomorrow.  One missed school day is fun for everyone, but after that not so much for mamas. :)

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