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Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Day to Celebrate Savannah & Daddy

Up bright and early to open daddy's first gift, a Super Dad shirt!

Today was a super special day in our house!  Not only was it Savannah's actual 8th Birthday, but it was Father's Day . . . or rather Daddy's Day as we like to call it.  We are so blessed with a dad that gives 200% . . that's a 100% at work and then another 100% at home.  He never complains and is always willing to jump right in to help the moment he gets home from work.  Whether it's with homework, daily baths for the kids, dishes, folding laundry, chores, or just whine control, daddy is always willing to help!  Dave, we love you so much and could never express how grateful we are for you and the way you love, lead, and serve our family.  Happy Daddy's Day!!

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