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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Snow Day!!!

A group sled ride!
Although we were disappointed with the little bit of snow we got overnight, the kids didn't let that spoil their fun day out of school!  As soon as I was off of the treadmill we all bundled up and headed out for some sledding fun.  The snow wasn't sticky enough for snowballs or snowmen (which we were super sad about since the Edgerton family just gave us this awesome snowman kit) but the kids had a blast anyway.  One of the only perks to having a super steep driveway is that all of the neighborhood kids come over to sled.  At one point there were 12 kids on various sleds going down our driveway!  After about an hour of excitement, my kiddos were ready for some hot chocolate and TV time.

Loving the spiked hair
We've played cards, watched TV, and had lunch . . . now it's quiet time!  Whew!  We'll see what the afternoon holds and will all be watching the weather to see if school may be out tomorrow too??

This is what our afternoon held . . . some dress up and dancing!  WHERE IS DADDY??!!?!!

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