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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tidbits from the Second Grade

Savannah is very cautious in revealing a lot of information about things at school.  She will tell me a few things and gladly answer all of my questions about her day at school, but it's Dave who usually gets the most interesting information about the second grade.  So, at night as Dave and I lie in bed we compare notes . . . which usually gives us both quite a good laugh.  This is what we have gathered so far:

1) If you copy someone's work (as the girl next to Savannah did to her) you lose 7 tickets
2) If you lose more tickets that you have your punishment is to walk laps around the blacktop at recess
3) Second graders don't have recess on the playgrounds because they are so far away in the cottages
4) There is very little equipment/toys to play with on the blacktop at recess
5) Generally #4 isn't a huge problem because kids are being punished with #2
6) Savannah is a good problem solver.  She tried to strike a deal with the girl that keeps annoying her in line . . . "I'll let you play with the playground ball that my mom sent in if you'll stop touching me in line."  The girl agreed and Savannah has decided that if she breaks the deal, she's submitting the issue into the problem box at school.

to be continued . . .

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