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Monday, September 09, 2013

Happy 40th Dave!!!

Happy Birthday Dear Daddy!
This weekend we celebrated Dave's 40th birthday!  On Saturday I arranged for a sitter and surprised him with a dinner out uptown.  Originally there were 10 of us attending, but as the week went on the number decreased to only 5, but we still had a great time with the Fulmers and Susan.  It was so nice to enjoy a dinner out sans kiddos. :)  Then Sunday night we also enjoyed a dinner out at Dave's restaurant of choice, Fuddruckers.  After dinner we came home to enjoy a Marble Slab ice cream cake and gifts.  I think the kids probably ended up having more fun that we did since they got to enjoy a long night with a sitter, dinner at Fuddruckers and ice cream cake too!

I am so thankful for the years that Dave and I have spent together.  He has taught me so much about being patient and continues to lead our family by always choosing the right way, even when it's not the easiest.  The kids adore him and I couldn't be more thankful for a man who steps right in after a long day at work to put on his daddy hat and give this mama a break!  Here's to many, many, many more wonderful years together.  I Love You!!!

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