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Monday, July 01, 2013

2 Healthy Children!

Today I ventured to the pediatrician with both of my kiddos for their well visits.  I had forgotten what a chore well visits are with the mounds of paperwork you get to fill out . . .  and then to have to deal with shots too.  No fun!  But, after a very long chat with our amazing doctor about various concerns for each of them, we left with two clean bills of health.  I realized tonight just what an amazing blessing that having 2 healthy children is . . . so many families are faced with so much more than eczema and blackheads in the ears.  So tonight I'm beyond thankful for healthy babies! 

They each grew about 2 inches this past year!  Savannah is now at 51.5 inches tall (which I think might be a bit inflated, but is pretty close) and Preston is 40.5 inches tall.  They are both holding steady with their BMI and are good on their growth curves.  Here's to another year of NO sick visits for Savannah and we'll shoot for that with Preston too! :)

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