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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Faith, Family, and Freedom Concert

On Saturday we all went to the Faith, Family and Freedom concert at the zMax dragway in Concord.  Preston had been talking for weeks about seeing Mandisa sing the Good Morning song and both kids were super excited about seeing some fireworks!  The line up was incredible including Plumb, For King and Country, Mandisa, Sanctus Real, and Building 429!  Of course we bought the cheap $5 tickets, but as we were going in a youth pastor offered us free grand stand tickets and we gladly took them off his hands. :)  Because the youth that were supposed to be around us ALL were in the big mosh pit in front of the stage, we had several rows of empty seats all to ourselves and an incredible view!  We were in the shade, there was a nice breeze blowing, and the kids loved the show.  It was one of the best, most relaxing concerts I've ever been to. 
Unfortunately, the bands played super long sets and we decided, at 10:30pm, that we needed to leave before Building 429 started . . . and of course that meat we missed the fireworks too.  But our kids were so exhausted after a morning photo shoot and an afternoon outside that they were actually ready to go!  We promised they could use the 3D glasses when we go to see fireworks on 4th of July.   

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