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Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Favorite Exercise

I have always loved going for long walks.  It's so relaxing and, to be honest, a good workout when I'm pushing both kids in the stroller.  Since Dave has been trying to get in more steps for his health program at work, walking has become a family routine on the weekends.  However, recently I've found that it's a great way to keep from snacking in the kitchen before Dave gets home in the afternoons as well.  Plus, since we live within a couple miles of a shopping center I've even manged to get in a few errands on foot, which saves gas in the car too!

This week was a super busy week with wrapping up WEE school for Preston (see post to follow) and many other things going on.  So this afternoon on our way home from a few errands I let Savannah ride so that she could get in her reading homework while I was walking . . did I mention that I'm teaching her how to be a multi-tasker too?!  I guess either the book Puppy Palace was super boring or Preston couldn't fight avoiding a nap anymore because he fell fast asleep after only a few minutes of her reading.  Thankfully we were far from home so he got in a good 1/2 hour nap!!

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