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Friday, May 24, 2013

Last Day of 3 Year Old WEE School

Preston with Miss Megan and Miss Becca
Today came with very mixed emotions . . . it was the last day of preschool this year for Preston.  Time has simply flown by since he started school in September.  Grandma says the older you get the faster time goes and I'm really starting to believe it!  My goodness, it seems like we just started 3 year old WEE school and now it's already over.  I have to say that this year has probably been our best experience ever with teachers. We have truly been blessed every week by Miss Becca and Miss Megan.  They have taught Preston so much, but have also loved on him and encouraged him every day.  Plus, I have to say that I loved the reports they gave me weekly about how "Preston has the most tender heart, is always willing to share, and is so sweet."  At first I thought they said that to every kid, but by the end of the year I came to realize that they indeed were serious.  I finally figured out that I just lived with a different animal at home. :) 

Singing Happy Birthday to the Summer B-day kids
Because Preston has a summer birthday we always celebrate it the last week of school with his class.  Here are the 3 kids that all have summer birthdays.  The class sang to them and they got to wear a birthday crown for the day.  The kids were able to choose 2 special friends to sit with during lunch earlier that week (Preston chose Ava and Abby) so the celebration just continued onto the last day of school with a big class wide ice cream party.

Preston making a silly face while enjoying his ice cream
So it's with a sad heart that we wrap up the school year for this little guy.  He truly has grown and learned so much within a short time.  Now we look ahead to not only a summer of fun, but what the Lord has in store for us next year at WEE school!  Thank you Lord for an amazing year!

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