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Monday, June 04, 2012

Celebration of Nations at PSE

Today was the annual Celebration of Nations at Savannah's school.  It's the culmination of a year long study that the students have done on a particular country.  Each class studies a different country and then today they all dressed in costumes and paraded for all of parents.  Being a new kindergarten mom I had no idea what to expect and definitely didn't realize it was a school wide project where every single kid would participate! 

Savannah's class studied Peru.  The girls were supposed to wear bright colored skirts and the boys navy shorts.  My camera malfunctioned so I didn't get a picture from the front when they were parading in, but in the first picture you can see Savannah at the front of the line.

After each class entered individually and the announcer read a LOT of information about the country each class sat down on the black top until every last class had paraded around.

Then each grade level came up together and did a dance.  Here are the kindergartners doing the Mexican Hat Dance! It was such a fun morning and a neat experience to see the entire school together.

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