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Monday, May 14, 2012

Preston Reaches New Heights

I realized last week that Preston is finally tall enough to turn the lights on and off!  I clearly remember being so excited when Savannah met this "milestone" so to see my little one finally reach this new height was quite exciting!  Now he can help out in turning his own lights on and off too.  The funny thing is that he isn't quite tall enough to reach the top of the switch when it's up (in the on position) to turn it off . . . so in his normal problem solving ways, he has devised a way to use the pad of his pointer finger to pull down on the flat part of the switch that is exposed in order to wiggle it down.

1 comment:

deborah said...

I would say that is a smart little boy! lol and certainly showing good problem solving skills. It's exciting and a little sad when each day they show more independence-growing up so fast.
love 'em!