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Friday, May 25, 2012

Our Week In Review . . .

I have been trying all week to post about our weekend, but am just now making time to post so I'm going to do a week in review.  The fun started last week on Tuesday when Preston came home early from WEE school.  He was perfectly fine when I took him to school and by mid morning his teacher called me and said that he was laying on the floor in centers but didn't feel warm.  By the time I finished at Savannah's school and drove to pick him up he was asleep in his teacher's arms and had started running a fever.  He was super tired, complaining of a headache, and very irritable.  As it turns out a kid in his class passed along hand, foot, and mouth disease.  Fun times!  By Wednesday afternoon Preston's fever was gone and the doctor confirmed that it wasn't strep, rather a strand of hand, foot, and mouth.  So we let him rest another day and by Friday last week he was more than ready to go back to school! 

However, then Savannah's teacher called me and said that she was complaining of a sore throat.  Knowing she had perfect attendance I really didn't want to pick her up since she didn't have a fever according to the nurse, but I knew I needed to so I went and brought her home.  She kept insisting that she wasnt' sick, but her teacher really could tell she wasn't feeling well.  She did seem to perk up and so, like a crazy mama, I took her back to school so she could be counted present for the day.  She never ran a fever and kept saying that her throat only hurt a little so we decided to continue with our plans to go to Burlington for the weekend. 

We had a great time at a huge family gathering on Saturday night and then enjoyed time with Grandma on Sunday.  The kids had a blast playing with their cousins! 

Picture with PawPaw

Poor Taylor was victim of Preston's bear hug!

My silly kids

It took Savannah probably until Wednesday of this week to be back to 100%, but thankfully, neither kid ever got the bad blisters that normally come with hand, foot, and mouth.  They just had sore throats and only Preston even had a fever.  I attribute that to Juice Plus for sure!

So then this week Preston wrapped up WEE school. :(  They celebrated summer birthdays on Thursday.

Here  is Preston wearing the long awaited "birday hat" that he colored

And then today we said goodbye to some of the best teachers ever!

Sweet Miss Amy

Sweet Miss Fran

This has surely been a busy week with parties, school functions, trying to get teacher gifts ready, and then the regular house stuff too.  I'm looking forward to a long weekend with Daddy home!!!

1 comment:

deborah said...

i'm glad both kids are feeling better and it certainly sounds like you all need a relaxing weekend at home together celebrating Memorial Day! kiss savannah and preston for me and i'm really looking forward to the june birthday celebration for them. love ya'll