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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Riverbanks Zoo Field Trip!!

 Class photo!

 Carlie, Savannah, and Hannah in front of the giraffes

Her favorite part was feeding the giraffes, but I think she just threw the lettuce at the poor animal

Hannah & Savannah also liked the elephants

I'm not sure why I love pictures from the back, but this was too cute not to capture!

Yesterday was a fun adventure as I volunteered to chaperone the Riverbanks Zoo field trip.  We left the school right at 8am and returned promptly at 4pm.  It was a long day, but much more fun that I imagined!  The kids were so well behaved and loved taking such a big field trip.  Savannah's class has 19 kids and 12 chaperones came along, not including the teachers so it made things super easy only having to keep up with two children!  It also made me very thankful I wasn't the teacher from a different school with a line of 15 children to keep up with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you got some really goood pics! i just can't believe how fast savannah is growing and get prettier everyday. glad you all had a fun day! deborah